Raspberry Pi: Quick Setup

Raspberry Pi 3 Setup
(Targeted for MCM Starter Kit)

  1. There is a setup card in the box.  On one side, setup instructions are fairly clear.  On the other side, there is a link to download PDF instruction manual.  It might be a good idea to download the PDF on your regular PC so that you can refer to it during setup.  Mainly, chapters 1-5
  2. The SD card that comes with the MCM kit is pre-formatted with the operating system (OS). Place this pre-formatted SD micro card into RPi.  This must be in the RPi to boot it up.  
  3. Once everything is up and running, you should have a toolbar at the top of the screen.  On the toolbar, navigate to the Raspberry icon and go into “Preferences” to set time, country, etc.
  4. Next, you will want to get the latest updates:
    1. Click to open up the terminal window and then type the following to update the OS:
      1. sudo apt-get update
      2. sudo apt-get upgrade
    2. Reboot system by going into pi icon –> “Reboot”
  5. The most important part now is to explore and play!

NOTE:  The SD card can be kept in your RPi.  It is safe to update the Rasbian OS frequently as it tends to be stable.  You can also create other SD card variants for different operating systems, special projects, etc.

Installation Help:
