I was looking forward to the story-line in this game but ended up hating it. I switched the game to “Easy” mode just so I could get away from the repetitive, screeching, nails-on-the-chalkboard What do the numbers mean!!!” It seems that whenever Activision gets involved, then the Call Of Duty series goes downhill a ways.
The game-play is good and the the graphics are superb. Out of the majority of the other games, it should be a top-ranker in my book … but it is not. Like I mentioned, the campaign became so annoying that I had to force myself to finish it. My intentions have been to play it back through to get some achievement points out of it but this has not happened.
On the other hand, multi-player is excellent. For those non-competitive types who want to just run around with friends and shoot, “Combat Training” mode is excellent as well. For multi-player alone, I’ll hold on to this game for a while.