1. .DWP is for a SharePoint webpart
- The post-build command line can use SafeGAC and go into the content site, not central admin. For example:
set DllInstallTarget=SafeGAC
set WspDeployTarget=http://Moss1
set QuickModeTarget=Upgrade
2 .WEBPART is for an asp.net webpart
3. Both .dwp and .webpart have properties to be set for the “Custom” portion of the webpart’s edit tool pane
4. Both have a Features section containing:
- A class
- A Feature.xml
- Another .xml that corresponds to the Feature.xml and holds .resx properties.
5. Both .dwp and .webpart go into the web part gallery
6. With the .dwp, if a property changes then the webpart must be deleted and the feature de-activated before deploying the new version.