Arduino: Part III: First Project Basics

Using the Arduino IDE — a quick skinny overview:

  1. I have an Arduino Uno, have attached it to my PC via USB port, and opened that IDE:
  2. In the IDE, I navigate to Tools –> Boards –> Select the version of the Arduino being used:
  3. The Arduino IDE comes with some very basic code examples (aka, sketches.):
  4. The bare minimum of a code example will contain a method for “setup()” and an action method for “loop()”
  5. A very basic sketch to test your board is the “Blink” example.  Open this example.
  6. In the top left corner of the application, click the checkmark icon to compile the code and if there are no errors you will see similar to the following:   
  7. Now you can upload the code to the Arduino by “Arrow” icon.  This is a common problem I run into where my Arduino is not registering on the proper port:
  8. avrdude: ser_open(): can’t open device “\.COM3”: The system cannot find the file specified.
    avrdude done.  Thank you.
    Problem uploading to board. 

  9. If you click on the “Magnifying glass” icon or navigate to Tools –>  Serial Monitor –> click to open an interface that shows communications to the Arduino.  In my scenario, the IDE is looking to “COM3” to find my Arduino.  If I open Windows Device Manager, I can see that it is registering on port “COM4”:
  10. To remedy this, I navigate back to the IDE, click Tools –> Ports –> and select “COM4” as my port.
  11. If you don’t have the above, or any other error, when you upload your code, you should see the following result and will notice that the Arduino now has the blinking light that you programmed.
avrdude: verifying …
avrdude: 928 bytes of flash verified
avrdude done.  Thank you.

Arduino: Part I: Introducing the Arduino

If you’re completely new, a starter kit is a good way to go.  They might seem expensive but actually can cost less than buying all the parts individually.  As a bonus, assure that either the starter kit includes some introductory lessons for you to walk through or that you have located some online.

Amazon usually has good deals on these kits.  Examples:

Otherwise, parts of a good kit might include:  an Arduino board, a breadboard, jumper wires, some LED lights, resistors, capacitors, diodes, random sensors, a servos to start.

Your PC (can be Windows, Mac, Linux) with a USB port. Software to run code.  Code?!  Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a programmer here.  Let’s review a process:

  1. Pull a plan together.  (even if it’s just going to and turning on some LED lights)
  2. Gather your equipment.
  3. Turn on a computer that has a USB port.
  4. Get some software to interact with your Arduino.  Easiest is here
  5. Attach all wires and components per lesson diagram.
  6. Copy paste code from lesson into your software.
  7. Build the code and then push it to the Arduino and watch the results.


  1. GOTCHA #1:  The lessons.  Sometimes the lessons will have a big in the code or show a wire hooked up to the breadboard in a way that doesn’t work for you.   Google your project and error.  Someone has probably already been there and fixed that.
  2. GOTCHA #2:  Your wiring.  If there are no errors but something doesn’t work, check how you’ve set up your components.
  3. GOTCHA #3:  Uploading your code.  It’s probably going to happen:  some type of COM port error that will be called out by a process named “avrdude.”    I’ll try to remember to write  a post for that.
  4. GOTCHA #4:  Powering your project.  If you have too much power going to your Arduino, you can fry it.  To start, try to power your project via your USB port.  Most projects are 3.5V or 5V and batteries can work as well.  But, avoid wall power for a while.  

Arduino: Troubleshooting avrdude

My most hated error message:

1.  could not get com port recognized (saw as usb):   went into device manager and checked for “show hidden devices”
2.  code ran properly when nano attached to usb but did not work when not attached to usb:  the fix for this was to re-arrange some pins (27 vs 30?).  When using an external power source only (and not usb), then pins must be re-arranged.  
3.  bluetooth malfunctioning at times by going offline, robot only going in circles:  had tried 9V and 4 AA alkaline, ended up ordering Lithium Ion  18650 2600mAh flat top batteries

Raspberry Pi: Super Kit 2

This is a great kit for your Raspberry Pi!

It includes breadboard, sensors, and lessons to get you going!


Sundfounder Super Kit V2.0 

Technical Details:
Great improvements have been made for the SunFounder Superkit V2.0 for Raspberry Pi based on the previous version. Besides clearer Fritzing breadboard images and schematic diagrams in the manual which is much bigger than ever, code in each experiment is provided in both C and Python for users with different habits. Additionally, inside the case of the Superkit it is divided into 8 grids so you may store the components by category after the experiment is finished.
15 Projects for beginners: 
Lesson 1 Blinking LED 
Lesson 2 Controlling an LED by a Button 
Lesson 3 Flowing LED Lights 
Lesson 4 Breathing LED 
Lesson 5 RGB LED 
Lesson 6 Buzzer 
Lesson 7 How to Drive a DC Motor 
Lesson 8 Rotary Encoder 
Lesson 9 555 Timer 
Lesson 10 Driving LEDs by 74HC595 
Lesson 11 Driving 7-Segment Display by 74HC595 
Lesson 12 Driving Dot-Matrix by 74HC595 
Lesson 13 LCD1602 
Lesson 14 ADXL345 
Advanced application of Raspberry Pi – Controlling an LED Based on Web

Raspberry Pi: Quick Setup

Raspberry Pi 3 Setup
(Targeted for MCM Starter Kit)

  1. There is a setup card in the box.  On one side, setup instructions are fairly clear.  On the other side, there is a link to download PDF instruction manual.  It might be a good idea to download the PDF on your regular PC so that you can refer to it during setup.  Mainly, chapters 1-5
  2. The SD card that comes with the MCM kit is pre-formatted with the operating system (OS). Place this pre-formatted SD micro card into RPi.  This must be in the RPi to boot it up.  
  3. Once everything is up and running, you should have a toolbar at the top of the screen.  On the toolbar, navigate to the Raspberry icon and go into “Preferences” to set time, country, etc.
  4. Next, you will want to get the latest updates:
    1. Click to open up the terminal window and then type the following to update the OS:
      1. sudo apt-get update
      2. sudo apt-get upgrade
    2. Reboot system by going into pi icon –> “Reboot”
  5. The most important part now is to explore and play!

NOTE:  The SD card can be kept in your RPi.  It is safe to update the Rasbian OS frequently as it tends to be stable.  You can also create other SD card variants for different operating systems, special projects, etc.

Installation Help: