Moving Files In SharePoint

SharePoint’s SiteManager is a great tool to manipulate folders and files; however, it can sometimes fall short at times when a massive amount files need to be relocated. With proper permissions, you can get around this by using Windows Explorer instead. PLEASE NOTE: When moving a mass of files around in this manner, you can lose certain file details — such as history data.

Moving Files in SharePoint Via Windows Explorer:

1. Open up your SharePoint page in internet explorer and copy the path (ie, http://dime/sites/yoursite).

2. Open up windows explorer and navigate to your web folders.

3. Right click on ‘Web Folders’ and select ‘New’.

4. Enter your path from step 1 and, like magic, you can drag and drop your files! 😀

SharePoint Feature Deployment

1. Activate at farm level:
a. http://YourBox:33333/_admin/ManageWebAppFeatures.aspx
2. Activate at Site Collection level:
a. http://moss1/sites/YourSite/_layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Site
3. Activate at Site level :
a. http://moss1/_layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Site
b. http://moss1/_layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx
4. Activate at subsite level:
a. http://moss1/sites/YourSIte/SubSite1/_layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx
5. Turn feature on.

SharePoint Feature Stapling

Feature Stapling allows you to “staple” a Feature to a site definition without modifying it in any way. This means you can add your feature to all sites created using that site definition.

To create a staple, you actually create another Feature that does the stapling.